Monday, 12 January 2015

9 Signs you're not over university

The transition from a lazy, drunken and dirty student to a sensible, mature and socially acceptable adult is tough, and for some, impossible. After three years of student living, the ability to adapt to a new way of life is a skill that we all develop at different rates (but one that we unfortunately cannot put onto our CV’s.)

Whilst many people are now settling into their graduate lives, there are others out there still struggling to come to terms with the fact that university is over and it is time to move on.

I sympathise with you graduates, but if we carry on living in denial then we will forever be stuck in our student ways and we will never get over university…

  1. Going out on weekdays

Despite being the oldest person in the club, you’re still out partying and downing jager bombs with the students whilst dancing to the cheesiest tunes possible. The only difference is, you have to be at work at 8am and turning up wearing sunglasses whilst stinking of booze is never a good look.

  1. Eating cheap food
Your cupboards are still stacked high with 10p packets of super noodles, your fridge is filled with value microwave meals and you still order 24 inch pizzas for five pounds from a random pizza take out despite having enough money for Dominoes or Pizza Hut. Oh, and Sainsbury’s Vodka and Tesco Coke is still your thing.

  1. Stewing in your own filth
You’re proud of your infamous ‘floordrobe’, the mould on the walls becomes part of the room décor, the hoover is there for show and your room becomes so inundated with plates, cups, cutlery and leftover food that you could start your own restaurant. 

  1. Bedtime. What bedtime?

You still haven’t mastered the art of an early night despite having to be up at 7am. Going to sleep before 1 is an early night and waking  up at 11 on weekends is still considered as an early morning.


  1. Pyjamas are your only clothes

You come home from work and you are straight into your pyjamas. You spend the whole weekend in your pyjamas. In fact, sometimes you even go to the shops in your pyjamas. They’re comfortable, cheap and most importantly of all, you don’t have to wash them as regularly as normal clothes.

  1. Drinking games
You are invited to your friends for some civilised drinks, but you are first off with the ring of fire cards, you initiate the beer pong teams and you spend a lot of time in the kitchen making concoctions for dirty pints. Sophisticated cocktails and dinner parties are not part of your repertoire.

  1. Trashy TV
Jeremy Kyle, Jerry Springer and Maury are recorded on series link and you watch these whilst sat in your pyjamas eating your beef super noodles and drinking Sainsburys Vodka and Tesco Coke.

  1. Stealing condiments
                                              Via Wikipedi

 Stealing salt, pepper and sugar is still a regular thing despite the fact you  can actually afford to buy them and most of the time you already have them in your cupboards.

  1. You still don’t own a Christmas tree

   Enough said.

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