Thursday, 12 February 2015

20 Signs you're becoming an adult

After spending over twenty years trying to avoid it, it’s happening. No matter how hard we try to stop it, we can’t. We’re no longer children, teenagers or students, that’s right, we’re becoming the inevitable, we’re turning into adults. The betrayal of our youth has begun, we despise school children and teenagers and the bitterness towards university students is slowly beginning to fade. In fact, being an adult isn’t so bad, and some may say they even enjoy it, right? 

1. You’ve left home – bye, bye bank of mum and dad

2. You pay rent or have an actual mortgage (gulp)

3. You get excited buying household items such as an iron

4. You actually use an iron

5. You head straight to the home section in Next and don’t even look at the clothes anymore

6. Your food shops now contain vegetables

7. Your food shops no longer contain microwave meals

8. Your fridge contains more food than alcohol

9. You go for casual cocktails and dinner instead of clubbing; in fact, do people even say clubbing anymore? God, you’re old

10. You save money – Your overdraft is now a distant memory

11. Your slow cooker has become your new best friend

12. You can afford branded alcohol and no longer have to drink value vodka which may or may not contain some sort of poison

13. You’ve become a clean freak and possibly turned into Monica Gellar

14. You own more smart clothes than casual clothes

15. You are shocked at how the youth of today dress. Did their parents never tell them to cover up? How do they afford Topshop? I still can’t afford Topshop!

16. You now understand the differences between all the fabric conditioners, softners and powders that exist. Seriously, there are so many!

17. Hoovering has become less of a chore, you actually quite enjoy it, its quite relaxing actually

18. Your clothes are now all neatly placed in the wardrobe and no longer live on the floor

19. Weekends now consist of finance things, cleaning the car, cleaning the house or undertaking the weekly food shop

20. You've turned into your parents. 

                                                                                                           Source: Google

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